One of the difficulties many parents are facing right now is coming up with ideas to keep children busy and engaged in learning if they are at home.
It is challenging to be in a confined area with the same people for extended periods of time. Maintaining your mental health is important at times like these.
We have been fortunate to meet, work with and learn from charities of all sizes across the UK, as we assist them in building their income, securing their investments.
It’s vital that as a board and team of staff, you have a clear mission and evaluate all opportunities against this. Funding is important, but not at the cost.
It’s every parent’s wish to leave their child a better world than what they lived through – a better chance at education, a fulfilling career, a beautiful world
Thanks to smaller teams and increased trust in colleagues from closer working relationships, small charity fundraisers are the best at making decisions fast and getting the most out of an opportunity.
During my time as a Face-to-Face Manager for a small local charity, we’d use data as much as we could to make sure the team were in the best locations at the right time.
We know that the pressures of the pandemic may mean that charities need to reassess how they operate to avoid reducing services or closing down.
It's important to understand how smaller charities differ from larger ones so that their financial efficiency and governance can be judged in the appropriate context.
If you do consider such a decision is necessary, you should follow any rules in your charity’s governing document that allow for postponement or cancellation.